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# users.py: Code for creating user accounts and setting the root password
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Used for ascii_letters and digits constants
import os
import os.path
import subprocess
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pyanaconda import iutil
import pwquality
from pyanaconda.iutil import strip_accents
from pyanaconda.constants import PASSWORD_MIN_LEN
from pyanaconda.errors import errorHandler, PasswordCryptError, ERROR_RAISE
import crypt
from pyanaconda.i18n import _
import re
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
def getPassAlgo(authconfigStr):
""" Reads the auth string and returns a string indicating our desired
password encoding algorithm.
if authconfigStr.find("--enablemd5") != -1 or authconfigStr.find("--passalgo=md5") != -1:
return 'md5'
elif authconfigStr.find("--passalgo=sha256") != -1:
return 'sha256'
elif authconfigStr.find("--passalgo=sha512") != -1:
return 'sha512'
return None
def cryptPassword(password, algo=None):
salts = {'md5': crypt.METHOD_MD5,
'sha256': crypt.METHOD_SHA256,
'sha512': crypt.METHOD_SHA512}
if algo not in salts:
algo = 'sha512'
cryptpw = crypt.crypt(password, salts[algo])
if cryptpw is None:
exn = PasswordCryptError(algo=algo)
if errorHandler.cb(exn) == ERROR_RAISE:
raise exn
return cryptpw
def validatePassword(pw, user="root", settings=None, minlen=None):
"""Check the quality of a password.
This function does three things: given a password and an optional
username, it will tell if this password can be used at all, how
strong the password is on a scale of 1-100, and, if the password is
unusable, why it is unusuable.
This function uses libpwquality to check the password strength.
pwquality will raise a PWQError on a weak password, which, honestly,
is kind of dumb behavior. A weak password isn't exceptional, it's what
we're asking about! Anyway, this function does not raise PWQError. If
the password fails the PWQSettings conditions, the first member of the
return tuple will be False and the second member of the tuple will be 0.
:param pw: the password to check
:type pw: string
:param user: the username for which the password is being set. If no
username is provided, "root" will be used. Use user=None
to disable the username check.
:type user: string
:param settings: an optional PWQSettings object
:type settings: pwquality.PWQSettings
:param int minlen: Minimum acceptable password length. If not passed,
use the default length from PASSWORD_MIN_LEN
:returns: A tuple containing (bool(valid), int(score), str(message))
:rtype: tuple
valid = True
message = None
strength = 0
if settings is None:
# Generate a default PWQSettings once and save it as a member of this function
if not hasattr(validatePassword, "pwqsettings"):
validatePassword.pwqsettings = pwquality.PWQSettings()
validatePassword.pwqsettings.minlen = PASSWORD_MIN_LEN
settings = validatePassword.pwqsettings
if minlen is not None:
settings.minlen = minlen
if valid:
strength = settings.check(pw, None, user)
except pwquality.PWQError as e:
# Leave valid alone here: the password is weak but can still
# be accepted.
# PWQError values are built as a tuple of (int, str)
message = e.args[1]
return (valid, strength, message)
def check_username(name):
if name in os.listdir("/") + ["root", "home", "daemon", "system"]:
return (False, _("User name is reserved for system: %s") % name)
if name.startswith("-"):
return (False, _("User name cannot start with '-' character"))
# Final '$' allowed for Samba
if name.endswith("$"):
sname = name[:-1]
sname = name
match = re.search(r'[^' + PORTABLE_FS_CHARS + r']', sname)
if match:
return (False, _("User name cannot contain character: '%s'") % match.group())
if len(name) > 32:
return (False, _("User name must be shorter than 33 characters"))
# Check also with THE regexp to be sure
if not USERNAME_VALID.match(name):
return (False, None)
return (True, None)
def guess_username(fullname):
fullname = fullname.split()
# use last name word (at the end in most of the western countries..)
if len(fullname) > 0:
username = fullname[-1].lower()
username = u""
# and prefix it with the first name initial
if len(fullname) > 1:
username = fullname[0][0].lower() + username
username = strip_accents(username)
return username
class Users(object):
def _getpwnam(self, user_name, root):
"""Like pwd.getpwnam, but is able to use a different root.
Also just returns the pwd structure as a list, because of laziness.
with open(root + "/etc/passwd", "r") as f:
for line in f:
fields = line.split(":")
if fields[0] == user_name:
return fields
return None
def _getgrnam(self, group_name, root):
"""Like grp.getgrnam, but able to use a different root.
Just returns the grp structure as a list, same reason as above.
with open(root + "/etc/group", "r") as f:
for line in f:
fields = line.split(":")
if fields[0] == group_name:
return fields
return None
def _getgrgid(self, gid, root):
"""Like grp.getgrgid, but able to use a different root.
Just returns the fields as a list of strings.
# Conver the probably-int GID to a string
gid = str(gid)
with open(root + "/etc/group", "r") as f:
for line in f:
fields = line.split(":")
if fields[2] == gid:
return fields
return None
def _ensureLoginDefs(self, root):
"""Runs a command after creating /etc/login.defs, if necessary.
groupadd and useradd need login.defs to exist in the chroot, and if
someone is doing a cloud image install or some kind of --nocore thing
it may not. An empty one is ok, though. If it's missing, create it,
run the command, then clean it up.
login_defs_path = root + '/etc/login.defs'
if not os.path.exists(login_defs_path):
open(login_defs_path, "w").close()
login_defs_created = True
login_defs_created = False
if login_defs_created:
def createGroup(self, group_name, **kwargs):
"""Create a new user on the system with the given name. Optional kwargs:
:keyword int gid: The GID for the new user. If none is given, the next available one is used.
:keyword str root: The directory of the system to create the new user in.
homedir will be interpreted relative to this. Defaults
to iutil.getSysroot().
root = kwargs.get("root", iutil.getSysroot())
if self._getgrnam(group_name, root):
raise ValueError("Group %s already exists" % group_name)
args = ["-R", root]
if kwargs.get("gid") is not None:
args.extend(["-g", str(kwargs["gid"])])
with self._ensureLoginDefs(root):
status = iutil.execWithRedirect("groupadd", args)
if status == 4:
raise ValueError("GID %s already exists" % kwargs.get("gid"))
elif status == 9:
raise ValueError("Group %s already exists" % group_name)
elif status != 0:
raise OSError("Unable to create group %s: status=%s" % (group_name, status))
def createUser(self, user_name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Create a new user on the system with the given name. Optional kwargs:
:keyword str algo: The password algorithm to use in case isCrypted=True.
If none is given, the cryptPassword default is used.
:keyword str gecos: The GECOS information (full name, office, phone, etc.).
Defaults to "".
:keyword groups: A list of group names the user should be added to.
Each group name can contain an optional GID in parenthesis,
such as "groupName(5000)". Defaults to [].
:type groups: list of str
:keyword str homedir: The home directory for the new user. Defaults to
:keyword bool isCrypted: Is the password kwargs already encrypted? Defaults
to False.
:keyword bool lock: Is the new account locked by default? Defaults to
:keyword str password: The password. See isCrypted for how this is interpreted.
If the password is "" then the account is created
with a blank password. If None or False the account will
be left in its initial state (locked)
:keyword str root: The directory of the system to create the new user
in. homedir will be interpreted relative to this.
Defaults to iutil.getSysroot().
:keyword str shell: The shell for the new user. If none is given, the
login.defs default is used.
:keyword int uid: The UID for the new user. If none is given, the next
available one is used.
:keyword int gid: The GID for the new user. If none is given, the next
available one is used.
root = kwargs.get("root", iutil.getSysroot())
if self.checkUserExists(user_name, root):
raise ValueError("User %s already exists" % user_name)
args = ["-R", root]
# Split the groups argument into a list of (username, gid or None) tuples
# the gid, if any, is a string since that makes things simpler
group_gids = [GROUPLIST_FANCY_PARSE.match(group).groups()
for group in kwargs.get("groups", [])]
# If a specific gid is requested:
# - check if a group already exists with that GID. i.e., the user's
# GID should refer to a system group, such as users. If so, just set
# the GID.
# - check if a new group is requested with that GID. If so, set the GID
# and let the block below create the actual group.
# - if neither of those are true, create a new user group with the requested
# otherwise use -U to create a new user group with the next available GID.
if kwargs.get("gid", None):
if not self._getgrgid(kwargs['gid'], root) and \
not any(gid[1] == str(kwargs['gid']) for gid in group_gids):
self.createGroup(user_name, gid=kwargs['gid'], root=root)
args.extend(['-g', str(kwargs['gid'])])
# If any requested groups do not exist, create them.
group_list = []
for group_name, gid in group_gids:
existing_group = self._getgrnam(group_name, root)
# Check for a bad GID request
if gid and existing_group and gid != existing_group[2]:
raise ValueError("Group %s already exists with GID %s" % (group_name, gid))
# Otherwise, create the group if it does not already exist
if not existing_group:
self.createGroup(group_name, gid=gid, root=root)
if group_list:
args.extend(['-G', ",".join(group_list)])
if kwargs.get("homedir"):
homedir = kwargs["homedir"]
homedir = "/home/" + user_name
# useradd expects the parent directory tree to exist.
parent_dir = iutil.parent_dir(root + homedir)
# If root + homedir came out to "/", such as if we're creating the sshpw user,
# parent_dir will be empty. Don't create that.
if parent_dir:
args.extend(["-d", homedir])
# Check whether the directory exists or if useradd should create it
mk_homedir = not os.path.exists(root + homedir)
if mk_homedir:
if kwargs.get("shell"):
args.extend(["-s", kwargs["shell"]])
if kwargs.get("uid"):
args.extend(["-u", str(kwargs["uid"])])
if kwargs.get("gecos"):
args.extend(["-c", kwargs["gecos"]])
with self._ensureLoginDefs(root):
status = iutil.execWithRedirect("useradd", args)
if status == 4:
raise ValueError("UID %s already exists" % kwargs.get("uid"))
elif status == 6:
raise ValueError("Invalid groups %s" % kwargs.get("groups", []))
elif status == 9:
raise ValueError("User %s already exists" % user_name)
elif status != 0:
raise OSError("Unable to create user %s: status=%s" % (user_name, status))
if not mk_homedir:
stats = os.stat(root + homedir)
orig_uid = stats.st_uid
orig_gid = stats.st_gid
# Gett the UID and GID of the created user
pwent = self._getpwnam(user_name, root)
log.info("Home directory for the user %s already existed, "
"fixing the owner and SELinux context.", user_name)
# home directory already existed, change owner of it properly
iutil.chown_dir_tree(root + homedir,
int(pwent[2]), int(pwent[3]),
orig_uid, orig_gid)
iutil.execWithRedirect("restorecon", ["-r", root + homedir])
except OSError as e:
log.critical("Unable to change owner of existing home directory: %s", e.strerror)
pw = kwargs.get("password", False)
crypted = kwargs.get("isCrypted", False)
algo = kwargs.get("algo", None)
lock = kwargs.get("lock", False)
self.setUserPassword(user_name, pw, crypted, lock, algo, root)
def checkUserExists(self, username, root=None):
if self._getpwnam(username, root):
return True
return False
def setUserPassword(self, username, password, isCrypted, lock, algo=None, root="/"):
# Only set the password if it is a string, including the empty string.
# Otherwise leave it alone (defaults to locked for new users) and reset sp_lstchg
if password or password == "":
if password == "":
log.info("user account %s setup with no password", username)
elif not isCrypted:
password = cryptPassword(password, algo)
if lock:
password = "!" + password
log.info("user account %s locked", username)
proc = iutil.startProgram(["chpasswd", "-R", root, "-e"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
proc.communicate(("%s:%s\n" % (username, password)).encode("utf-8"))
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise OSError("Unable to set password for new user: status=%s" % proc.returncode)
# Reset sp_lstchg to an empty string. On systems with no rtc, this
# field can be set to 0, which has a special meaning that the password
# must be reset on the next login.
iutil.execWithRedirect("chage", ["-R", root, "-d", "", username])
def setRootPassword(self, password, isCrypted=False, isLocked=False, algo=None, root="/"):
return self.setUserPassword("root", password, isCrypted, isLocked, algo, root)
def setUserSshKey(self, username, key, **kwargs):
root = kwargs.get("root", iutil.getSysroot())
pwent = self._getpwnam(username, root)
if not pwent:
raise ValueError("setUserSshKey: user %s does not exist" % username)
homedir = root + pwent[5]
if not os.path.exists(homedir):
log.error("setUserSshKey: home directory for %s does not exist", username)
raise ValueError("setUserSshKey: home directory for %s does not exist" % username)
uid = pwent[2]
gid = pwent[3]
sshdir = os.path.join(homedir, ".ssh")
if not os.path.isdir(sshdir):
os.mkdir(sshdir, 0o700)
os.chown(sshdir, int(uid), int(gid))
authfile = os.path.join(sshdir, "authorized_keys")
authfile_existed = os.path.exists(authfile)
with iutil.open_with_perm(authfile, "a", 0o600) as f:
f.write(key + "\n")
# Only change ownership if we created it
if not authfile_existed:
os.chown(authfile, int(uid), int(gid))
iutil.execWithRedirect("restorecon", ["-r", sshdir])