2014-04-07 12:38:09 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
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"""Module providing thread-safe and mainloop-safe DBus operations."""
2016-04-10 04:00:00 +00:00
import gi
gi.require_version("GLib", "2.0")
gi.require_version("Gio", "2.0")
2014-04-07 12:38:09 +00:00
from gi.repository import GLib, Gio
2016-04-10 04:00:00 +00:00
import os
2014-04-07 12:38:09 +00:00
from pyanaconda.constants import DEFAULT_DBUS_TIMEOUT
DBUS_PROPS_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
class SafeDBusError(Exception):
"""Class for exceptions defined in this module."""
class DBusCallError(SafeDBusError):
"""Class for the errors related to calling methods over DBus."""
class DBusPropertyError(DBusCallError):
"""Class for the errors related to getting property values over DBus."""
2015-03-23 11:36:12 +00:00
def get_new_system_connection():
"""Return a new connection to the system bus."""
return Gio.DBusConnection.new_for_address_sync(
Gio.dbus_address_get_for_bus_sync(Gio.BusType.SYSTEM, None),
None, None)
def get_new_session_connection():
Get a connection handle for the per-user-login-session message bus.
!!! RUN THIS EARLY !!! like, before any other threads start. Connections to
the session bus must be made with the effective UID of the login user,
which in live installs is not the UID of anaconda. This means we need to
call seteuid in this method, and doing that after threads have started will
probably do something weird.
Live installs use consolehelper to run as root, which sets the original
:return: the session connection handle
:rtype: Gio.DBusConnection
:raise DBusCallError: if some DBus related error appears
:raise OSError: if unable to set the effective UID
old_euid = None
if "USERHELPER_UID" in os.environ:
old_euid = os.geteuid()
connection = Gio.DBusConnection.new_for_address_sync(
Gio.dbus_address_get_for_bus_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, None),
None, None)
except GLib.GError as gerr:
raise DBusCallError("Unable to connect to session bus: %s", gerr)
if old_euid is not None:
if connection.is_closed():
raise DBusCallError("Connection is closed")
return connection
def call_sync(service, obj_path, iface, method, args,
2014-04-07 12:38:09 +00:00
Safely call a given method on a given object of a given service over DBus
passing given arguments. If a connection is given, it is used, otherwise a
new connection is established. Safely means that it is a synchronous,
thread-safe call not using any main loop.
:param service: DBus service to use
:type service: str
:param obj_path: object path of the object to call method on
:type obj_path: str
:param iface: interface to use
:type iface: str
:param method: name of the method to call
:type method: str
:param args: arguments to pass to the method
:type args: GVariant
:param connection: connection to use (if None, a new connection is
:type connection: Gio.DBusConnection
:return: unpacked value returned by the method
:rtype: tuple with elements that depend on the method
:raise DBusCallError: if some DBus related error appears
if not connection:
2015-03-23 11:36:12 +00:00
connection = get_new_system_connection()
except GLib.GError as gerr:
raise DBusCallError("Unable to connect to system bus: %s", gerr)
2014-04-07 12:38:09 +00:00
if connection.is_closed():
raise DBusCallError("Connection is closed")
ret = connection.call_sync(service, obj_path, iface, method, args,
None, Gio.DBusCallFlags.NONE,
except GLib.GError as gerr:
msg = "Failed to call %s method on %s with %s arguments: %s" % \
(method, obj_path, args, gerr.message)
raise DBusCallError(msg)
2015-03-23 11:36:12 +00:00
if ret is None:
msg = "No return from %s method on %s with %s arguments" % \
(method, obj_path, args)
raise DBusCallError(msg)
2014-04-07 12:38:09 +00:00
return ret.unpack()
2015-03-23 11:36:12 +00:00
def get_property_sync(service, obj_path, iface, prop_name,
2014-04-07 12:38:09 +00:00
Get value of a given property of a given object provided by a given service.
:param service: DBus service to use
:type service: str
:param obj_path: object path
:type obj_path: str
:param iface: interface to use
:type iface: str
:param prop_name: name of the property
:type prop_name: str
:param connection: connection to use (if None, a new connection is
:type connection: Gio.DBusConnection
:return: unpacked value of the property
:rtype: tuple with elements that depend on the type of the property
:raise DBusCallError: when the internal dbus_call_safe_sync invocation
raises an exception
:raise DBusPropertyError: when the given object doesn't have the given
args = GLib.Variant('(ss)', (iface, prop_name))
2015-03-23 11:36:12 +00:00
ret = call_sync(service, obj_path, DBUS_PROPS_IFACE, "Get", args,
2014-04-07 12:38:09 +00:00
if ret is None:
msg = "No value for the %s object's property %s" % (obj_path, prop_name)
raise DBusPropertyError(msg)
return ret