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# Kickstart file for composing the "Qubes" spin of Fedora
# Package manifest for the compose. Uses repo group metadata to translate groups.
# (@base is added by default unless you add --nobase to %packages)
# (default groups for the configured repos are added by --default)
repo --name=fedora --gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-18-primary --ignoregroups=true --mirrorlist=$basearch --excludepkgs=kernel,kernel-*
repo --name=fedora-updates --gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-18-primary --ignoregroups=true --mirrorlist=$basearch --excludepkgs=kernel,kernel-*
repo --name=installer --baseurl=file:///tmp/qubes-installer/yum/installer/
repo --name=qubes-dom0 --baseurl=file:///tmp/qubes-installer/yum/qubes-dom0/
repo --name=dom0-updates --baseurl=file:///tmp/qubes-installer/yum/dom0-updates/
@base-x --nodefaults