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#vim: set fileencoding=utf8
# parse-kickstart - read a kickstart file and emit equivalent dracut boot args.
# Copyright © 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
# Designed to run inside the dracut initramfs environment.
# Requires python 2.7 or later.
# Authors:
# Will Woods <wwoods@redhat.com>
import sys, os
import logging
from pykickstart.parser import KickstartParser, preprocessKickstart
from pykickstart.version import returnClassForVersion
from pykickstart.errors import KickstartError
from pykickstart.constants import *
from pykickstart import commands
from collections import OrderedDict
# Default logging: none
log = logging.getLogger('parse-kickstart').addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
# Helper function for reading simple files in /sys
def readsysfile(f):
'''Return the contents of f, or "" if missing.'''
val = open(f).readline().strip()
except IOError:
val = ""
return val
def read_cmdline(f):
'''Returns an OrderedDict containing key-value pairs from a file with
boot arguments (e.g. /proc/cmdline).'''
args = OrderedDict()
lines = open(f).readlines()
except IOError:
lines = []
for line in lines:
for arg in line.split():
k,e,v = arg.partition("=")
args[k] = v
return args
proc_cmdline = read_cmdline("/proc/cmdline")
# Here are the kickstart commands we care about:
class Method(commands.method.F14_Method):
'''install methods: cdrom, harddrive, nfs, url'''
def dracut_args(self, args, lineno, obj):
if self.method == "cdrom":
elif self.method == "harddrive":
if self.biospart:
method="bd:%s:%s" % (self.partition, self.dir)
method="hd:%s:%s" % (self.partition, self.dir)
elif self.method == "nfs":
method="nfs:%s:%s" % (self.server, self.dir)
if self.opts:
method += ":%s" % self.opts
elif self.method == "url":
# FIXME: self.proxy, self.noverifyssl
method = self.url
return "inst.repo=%s" % method
class Updates(commands.updates.F7_Updates):
def dracut_args(self, args, lineno, obj):
if self.url == "floppy":
return "live.updates=/dev/fd0"
elif self.url:
return "live.updates=%s" % self.url
class MediaCheck(commands.mediacheck.FC4_MediaCheck):
def dracut_args(self, args, lineno, obj):
if self.mediacheck:
return "rd.live.check"
class DriverDisk(commands.driverdisk.F14_DriverDisk):
def dracut_args(self, args, lineno, obj):
dd = self.driverdiskList[-1]
if dd.biospart:
location = "bd:%s" % dd.biospart
location = dd.partition or dd.source
if location:
return "inst.driverdisk=%s" % location
class Network(commands.network.F16_Network):
def dracut_args(self, args, lineno, net):
NOTE: The first 'network' line get special treatment:
* '--activate' is always enabled
* '--device' is optional (defaults to the 'ksdevice=' boot arg)
* the device gets brought online in initramfs
netline = None
# first 'network' line
if len(self.network) == 1:
net.activate = True
if net.device == "link" or not net.device:
# NOTE: this might still be empty (e.g. 'ks=file:...')
# XXX FIXME: handle "link" properly?
net.device = self.handler.ksdevice
# tell dracut to bring this device up
netline = ksnet_to_dracut(args, lineno, net, bootdev=True)
# HACK: current dracut dies if you have BOOTIF= and ip= together.
# Until that gets fixed upstream, we have to defer to dracut.
# XXX FIXME: remove this when dracut can handle BOOTIF+ip!
if 'BOOTIF' in proc_cmdline:
# let dracut use BOOTIF to bring up the network
netline = None
# all subsequent 'network' lines require '--device'
if not net.device or net.device == "link":
log.error("'%s': missing --device", " ".join(args))
# write ifcfg so NM will set up the device correctly later
return netline
class DisplayMode(commands.displaymode.FC3_DisplayMode):
def dracut_args(self, args, lineno, obj):
if self.displayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_CMDLINE:
return "inst.cmdline"
elif self.displayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_TEXT:
return "inst.text"
elif self.displayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_GRAPHICAL:
return "inst.graphical"
# TODO: keymap, lang... device? upgrade? selinux?
dracutCmds = {
'cdrom': Method,
'harddrive': Method,
'nfs': Method,
'url': Method,
'updates': Updates,
'mediacheck': MediaCheck,
'driverdisk': DriverDisk,
'network': Network,
'cmdline': DisplayMode,
'graphical': DisplayMode,
'text': DisplayMode,
handlerclass = returnClassForVersion()
class DracutHandler(handlerclass):
def __init__(self):
handlerclass.__init__(self, commandUpdates=dracutCmds)
self.output = []
self.ksdevice = None
def dispatcher(self, args, lineno):
obj = handlerclass.dispatcher(self, args, lineno)
# and execute any specified dracut_args
cmd = args[0]
command = self.commands[cmd]
if hasattr(command, "dracut_args"):
log.debug("kickstart line %u: handling %s", lineno, cmd)
self.output.append(command.dracut_args(args, lineno, obj))
return obj
def init_logger(level=None):
if level is None and 'rd.debug' in proc_cmdline:
level = logging.DEBUG
logfmt = "%(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(format=logfmt, level=level)
logger = logging.getLogger('parse-kickstart')
return logger
def is_mac(addr):
return addr and len(addr) == 17 and addr.count(":") == 5 # good enough
def find_devname(mac):
for netif in os.listdir("/sys/class/net"):
thismac = readsysfile("/sys/class/net/%s/address" % netif)
if thismac.lower() == mac.lower():
return netif
def ksnet_to_dracut(args, lineno, net, bootdev=False):
'''Translate the kickstart network data into dracut network data.'''
line = []
if is_mac(net.device): # this is a MAC - find the interface name
mac = net.device
net.device = find_devname(mac)
if net.device is None: # iface not active - pick a name for it
net.device = "ksdev0" # we only get called once, so this is OK
line.append("ifname=%s:%s" % (net.device, mac.lower()))
# NOTE: dracut currently only does ipv4 *or* ipv6, so only one ip=arg..
elif net.bootProto == BOOTPROTO_IBFT:
elif net.bootProto == BOOTPROTO_QUERY:
log.error("'%s': --bootproto=query is deprecated", " ".join(args))
elif net.bootProto == BOOTPROTO_STATIC:
req = ("gateway", "netmask", "nameserver", "ip")
missing = ", ".join("--%s" % i for i in req if not hasattr(net, i))
if missing:
log.warn("line %u: network missing %s", lineno, missing)
ip="{0.ip}::{0.gateway}:{0.netmask}:" \
elif net.ipv6 == "auto":
elif net.ipv6 == "dhcp":
elif net.ipv6:
ip="[{0.ipv6}]::{0.gateway}:{0.netmask}:" \
if net.device and not ip.endswith(":none"):
line.append("ip=%s:%s" % (net.device, ip))
line.append("ip=%s" % ip)
for ns in net.nameserver.split(","):
if ns:
line.append("nameserver=%s" % ns)
if net.mtu:
# XXX FIXME: dracut doesn't support mtu= (yet)
if net.device:
line.append("mtu=%s:%s" % (net.device, net.mtu))
line.append("mtu=%s" % net.mtu)
if bootdev:
if net.device:
line.append("bootdev=%s" % net.device)
# touch /tmp/net.ifaces to make sure dracut brings up network
open("/tmp/net.ifaces", "a")
if net.essid or net.wepkey or net.wpakey:
# TODO: make dracut support wireless? (do we care?)
log.error("'%s': dracut doesn't support wireless networks",
" ".join(args))
return " ".join(line)
def ksnet_to_ifcfg(net, filename=None):
'''Write an ifcfg file for the given kickstart network config'''
dev = net.device
if is_mac(dev):
dev = find_devname(dev)
if not dev:
if not os.path.isdir("/sys/class/net/%s" % dev):
log.info("can't find device %s" % dev)
ifcfg = dict()
if filename is None:
filename = "/tmp/ifcfg/ifcfg-%s" % dev
if not os.path.isdir("/tmp/ifcfg"):
ifcfg['DEVICE'] = dev
ifcfg['HWADDR'] = readsysfile("/sys/class/net/%s/address" % dev)
ifcfg['UUID'] = readsysfile("/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid")
# we set real ONBOOT value in anaconda, here
# we use it to activate devcies by NM on start
ifcfg['ONBOOT'] = "yes" if net.activate else "no"
# dhcp etc.
ifcfg['BOOTPROTO'] = net.bootProto
if net.bootProto == 'static':
ifcfg['IPADDR'] = net.ip
ifcfg['NETMASK'] = net.netmask
ifcfg['GATEWAY'] = net.gateway
if net.bootProto == 'dhcp':
if net.hostname:
ifcfg['DHCP_HOSTNAME'] = net.hostname
# ipv6 settings
if net.noipv6:
ifcfg['IPV6INIT'] = "no"
elif net.ipv6:
ifcfg['IPV6INIT'] = "yes"
if net.ipv6 == 'dhcp':
ifcfg['DHCPV6C'] = "yes"
elif net.ipv6 == 'auto':
ifcfg['IPV6_AUTOCONF'] = "yes" # NOTE: redundant (this is the default)
elif ':' in net.ipv6:
ifcfg['IPV6ADDR'] = net.ipv6
# misc stuff
if net.mtu:
ifcfg['MTU'] = net.mtu
if net.nameserver:
ifcfg['DNS1'] = net.nameserver
if net.nodefroute:
ifcfg['DEFROUTE'] = "no"
# TODO: dhcpclass, ethtool, essid/wepkey/wpakay, etc.
log.info("writing ifcfg for %s", dev)
outf = open(filename, "w")
outf.write('# Generated by parse-kickstart\n')
for k,v in ifcfg.items():
outf.write("%s=%s\n" % (k,v))
except IOError as e:
log.error("can't write %s: %s" % (filename, str(e)))
return filename
def process_kickstart(ksfile):
handler = DracutHandler()
handler.ksdevice = os.environ.get('ksdevice')
parser = KickstartParser(handler, missingIncludeIsFatal=False)
log.info("processing kickstart file %s", ksfile)
processed_file = preprocessKickstart(ksfile)
except KickstartError as e:
with open("/tmp/ks.info", "a") as f:
f.write('parsed_kickstart="%s"\n' % processed_file)
log.info("finished parsing kickstart")
return processed_file, handler.output
if __name__ == '__main__':
log = init_logger()
for path in sys.argv[1:]:
outfile, output = process_kickstart(path)
for line in filter(None, output):
print line