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# isys.py - installer utility functions and glue for C module
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Author(s): Matt Wilson <msw@redhat.com>
# Erik Troan <ewt@redhat.com>
# Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com>
from pyanaconda import _isys
except ImportError:
# We're running in some sort of testing mode, in which case we can fix
# up PYTHONPATH and just do this basic import.
import _isys
import string
import os
import os.path
import socket
import stat
import posix
import sys
from pyanaconda import iutil
import resource
import re
import struct
import dbus
import selinux
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
NM_SERVICE = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"
NM_MANAGER_PATH = "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager"
NM_SETTINGS_PATH = "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings"
NM_MANAGER_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"
NM_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Connection.Active"
NM_CONNECTION_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.Connection"
NM_DEVICE_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device"
NM_DEVICE_WIRED_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Wired"
NM_IP4CONFIG_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.IP4Config"
NM_IP6CONFIG_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.IP6Config"
NM_ACCESS_POINT_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.AccessPoint"
DBUS_PROPS_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
mountCount = {}
## Get the amount of free space available under a directory path.
# @param path The directory path to check.
# @return The amount of free space available, in
def pathSpaceAvailable(path):
return _isys.devSpaceFree(path)
## Mount a filesystem, similar to the mount system call.
# @param device The device to mount. If bindMount is True, this should be an
# already mounted directory. Otherwise, it should be a device
# name.
# @param location The path to mount device on.
# @param fstype The filesystem type on device. This can be disk filesystems
# such as vfat or ext3, or pseudo filesystems such as proc or
# selinuxfs.
# @param readOnly Should this filesystem be mounted readonly?
# @param bindMount Is this a bind mount? (see the mount(8) man page)
# @param remount Are we mounting an already mounted filesystem?
# @return The return value from the mount system call.
def mount(device, location, fstype = "ext2", readOnly = False,
bindMount = False, remount = False, options = None):
flags = None
location = os.path.normpath(location)
if not options:
opts = ["defaults"]
opts = options.split(",")
# We don't need to create device nodes for devices that start with '/'
# (like '/usbdevfs') and also some special fake devices like 'proc'.
# First try to make a device node and if that fails, assume we can
# mount without making a device node. If that still fails, the caller
# will have to deal with the exception.
# We note whether or not we created a node so we can clean up later.
if mountCount.has_key(location) and mountCount[location] > 0 and not remount:
mountCount[location] = mountCount[location] + 1
if readOnly or bindMount or remount:
if readOnly:
if bindMount:
if remount:
flags = ",".join(opts)
log.debug("isys.py:mount()- going to mount %s on %s as %s with options %s" %(device, location, fstype, flags))
rc = _isys.mount(fstype, device, location, flags)
if not rc:
mountCount[location] = 1
return rc
## Unmount a filesystem, similar to the umount system call.
# @param what The directory to be unmounted. This does not need to be the
# absolute path.
# @param removeDir Should the mount point be removed after being unmounted?
# @return The return value from the umount system call.
def umount(what, removeDir = True):
what = os.path.normpath(what)
if not os.path.isdir(what):
raise ValueError, "isys.umount() can only umount by mount point"
if mountCount.has_key(what) and mountCount[what] > 1:
mountCount[what] = mountCount[what] - 1
log.debug("isys.py:umount()- going to unmount %s, removeDir = %s" % (what, removeDir))
rc = _isys.umount(what)
if removeDir and os.path.isdir(what):
if not rc and mountCount.has_key(what):
del mountCount[what]
return rc
## Disable swap.
# @param path The full path of the swap device to disable.
def swapoff (path):
return _isys.swapoff (path)
## Enable swap.
# @param path The full path of the swap device to enable.
def swapon (path):
return _isys.swapon (path)
def resetResolv():
return _isys.resetresolv()
def readFSUuid(device):
if not os.path.exists(device):
device = "/dev/%s" % device
label = _isys.getblkid(device, "UUID")
return label
def readFSLabel(device):
if not os.path.exists(device):
device = "/dev/%s" % device
label = _isys.getblkid(device, "LABEL")
return label
def readFSType(device):
if not os.path.exists(device):
device = "/dev/%s" % device
fstype = _isys.getblkid(device, "TYPE")
if fstype is None:
# FIXME: libblkid doesn't show physical volumes as having a filesystem
# so let's sniff for that.(#409321)
fd = os.open(device, os.O_RDONLY)
buf = os.read(fd, 2048)
return fstype
if buf.startswith("HM"):
return "physical volume (LVM)"
for sec in range(0, 4):
off = (sec * 512) + 24
if len(buf) < off:
if buf[off:].startswith("LVM2"):
return "physical volume (LVM)"
elif fstype == "lvm2pv":
return "physical volume (LVM)"
return fstype
def ext2IsDirty(device):
label = _isys.e2dirty(device)
return label
def ext2HasJournal(device):
hasjournal = _isys.e2hasjournal(device)
return hasjournal
def modulesWithPaths():
mods = []
for modline in open("/proc/modules", "r"):
modName = modline.split(" ", 1)[0]
modInfo = iutil.execWithCapture("modinfo",
["-F", "filename", modName]).splitlines()
modPaths = [ line.strip() for line in modInfo if line!="" ]
return mods
def driveUsesModule(device, modules):
"""Returns true if a drive is using a prticular module. Only works
for SCSI devices right now."""
if not isinstance(modules, ().__class__) and not \
isinstance(modules, [].__class__):
modules = [modules]
if device[:2] == "hd":
return False
rc = False
if os.access("/tmp/scsidisks", os.R_OK):
sdlist=open("/tmp/scsidisks", "r")
sdlines = sdlist.readlines()
for l in sdlines:
# each line has format of: <device> <module>
(sddev, sdmod) = string.split(l)
if sddev == device:
if sdmod in modules:
rc = True
return rc
def isPseudoTTY (fd):
return _isys.isPseudoTTY (fd)
## Flush filesystem buffers.
def sync ():
return _isys.sync ()
## Determine if a file is an ISO image or not.
# @param file The full path to a file to check.
# @return True if ISO image, False otherwise.
def isIsoImage(file):
return _isys.isisoimage(file)
# Return number of network devices
def getNetworkDeviceCount():
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
nm = bus.get_object(NM_SERVICE, NM_MANAGER_PATH)
devlist = nm.get_dbus_method("GetDevices")()
return len(devlist)
# Get a D-Bus interface for the specified device's (e.g., eth0) properties.
# If dev=None, return a hash of the form 'hash[dev] = props_iface' that
# contains all device properties for all interfaces that NetworkManager knows
# about.
def getDeviceProperties(dev=None):
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
nm = bus.get_object(NM_SERVICE, NM_MANAGER_PATH)
devlist = nm.get_dbus_method("GetDevices")()
all = {}
for path in devlist:
device = bus.get_object(NM_SERVICE, path)
device_props_iface = dbus.Interface(device, DBUS_PROPS_IFACE)
device_interface = str(device_props_iface.Get(NM_DEVICE_IFACE, "Interface"))
if dev is None:
all[device_interface] = device_props_iface
elif device_interface == dev:
return device_props_iface
if dev is None:
return all
return None
# Get the MAC address for a network device.
def getMacAddress(dev):
if dev == '' or dev is None:
return False
device_props_iface = getDeviceProperties(dev=dev)
if device_props_iface is None:
return None
device_macaddr = None
device_macaddr = device_props_iface.Get(NM_DEVICE_WIRED_IFACE, "HwAddress").upper()
except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
if e.get_dbus_name() != 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs':
return device_macaddr
# Get a description string for a network device (e.g., eth0)
def getNetDevDesc(dev):
from pyanaconda.baseudev import udev_get_device
desc = "Network Interface"
if dev == '' or dev is None:
return desc
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
nm = bus.get_object(NM_SERVICE, NM_MANAGER_PATH)
devlist = nm.get_dbus_method("GetDevices")()
for path in devlist:
device = bus.get_object(NM_SERVICE, path)
device_iface = dbus.Interface(device, DBUS_PROPS_IFACE)
device_props = device_iface.get_dbus_method("GetAll")(NM_DEVICE_IFACE)
if dev == device_props['Interface']:
# This is the sysfs path (for now).
udev_path = device_props['Udi']
dev = udev_get_device(udev_path[4:])
if dev is None:
log.debug("weird, we have a None dev with path %s" % path)
elif dev.has_key("ID_VENDOR_ENC") and dev.has_key("ID_MODEL_ENC"):
desc = "%s %s" % (dev["ID_VENDOR_ENC"], dev["ID_MODEL_ENC"])
elif dev.has_key("ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE") and dev.has_key("ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE"):
desc = "%s %s" % (dev["ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE"], dev["ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE"])
return desc
return desc
# Determine if a network device is a wireless device.
def isWirelessDevice(dev_name):
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
nm = bus.get_object(NM_SERVICE, NM_MANAGER_PATH)
devlist = nm.get_dbus_method("GetDevices")()
for path in devlist:
device = bus.get_object(NM_SERVICE, path)
device_props_iface = dbus.Interface(device, DBUS_PROPS_IFACE)
iface = device_props_iface.Get(NM_DEVICE_IFACE, "Interface")
if iface == dev_name:
device_type = device_props_iface.Get(NM_DEVICE_IFACE, "DeviceType")
return device_type == NM_DEVICE_TYPE_WIFI
return False
# Get IP addresses for a network device.
# Returns list of ipv4 or ipv6 addresses, depending
# on version parameter. ipv4 is default.
def getIPAddresses(dev, version=4):
if dev == '' or dev is None:
return None
device_props_iface = getDeviceProperties(dev=dev)
if device_props_iface is None:
return None
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
addresses = []
if version == 4:
ip4_config_path = device_props_iface.Get(NM_DEVICE_IFACE, 'Ip4Config')
if ip4_config_path != '/':
ip4_config_obj = bus.get_object(NM_SERVICE, ip4_config_path)
ip4_config_props = dbus.Interface(ip4_config_obj, DBUS_PROPS_IFACE)
# addresses (3-element list: ipaddr, netmask, gateway)
addrs = ip4_config_props.Get(NM_IP4CONFIG_IFACE, "Addresses")
for addr in addrs:
tmp = struct.pack('I', addr[0])
ipaddr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, tmp)
except ValueError as e:
log.debug("Exception caught trying to convert IP address %s: %s" %
(addr, e))
elif version == 6:
ip6_config_path = device_props_iface.Get(NM_DEVICE_IFACE, 'Ip6Config')
if ip6_config_path != '/':
ip6_config_obj = bus.get_object(NM_SERVICE, ip6_config_path)
ip6_config_props = dbus.Interface(ip6_config_obj, DBUS_PROPS_IFACE)
addrs = ip6_config_props.Get(NM_IP6CONFIG_IFACE, "Addresses")
for addr in addrs:
addrstr = "".join(str(byte) for byte in addr[0])
ipaddr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, addrstr)
# XXX - should we prefer Global or Site-Local types?
# does NM prefer them?
except ValueError as e:
log.debug("Exception caught trying to convert IP address %s: %s" %
(addr, e))
raise ValueError, "invalid IP version %d" % version
return addresses
## Get the correct context for a file from loaded policy.
# @param fn The filename to query.
def matchPathContext(fn):
con = None
con = selinux.matchpathcon(os.path.normpath(fn), 0)[1]
except OSError as e:
log.info("failed to get default SELinux context for %s: %s" % (fn, e))
return con
## Set the SELinux file context of a file
# @param fn The filename to fix.
# @param con The context to use.
# @param instroot An optional root filesystem to look under for fn.
def setFileContext(fn, con, instroot = '/'):
full_path = os.path.normpath("%s/%s" % (instroot, fn))
rc = False
if con is not None and os.access(full_path, os.F_OK):
rc = (selinux.lsetfilecon(full_path, con) == 0)
except OSError as e:
log.info("failed to set SELinux context for %s: %s" % (full_path, e))
return rc
## Restore the SELinux file context of a file to its default.
# @param fn The filename to fix.
# @param instroot An optional root filesystem to look under for fn.
def resetFileContext(fn, instroot = '/'):
con = matchPathContext(fn)
if con:
if setFileContext(fn, con, instroot):
return con
return None
def prefix2netmask(prefix):
return _isys.prefix2netmask(prefix)
def netmask2prefix (netmask):
prefix = 0
while prefix < 33:
if (prefix2netmask(prefix) == netmask):
return prefix
prefix += 1
return prefix
isPAE = None
def isPaeAvailable():
global isPAE
if isPAE is not None:
return isPAE
isPAE = False
if not iutil.isX86():
return isPAE
f = open("/proc/cpuinfo", "r")
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("flags") and line.find("pae") != -1:
isPAE = True
return isPAE
def getLinkStatus(dev):
return _isys.getLinkStatus(dev)
def getAnacondaVersion():
return _isys.getAnacondaVersion()
auditDaemon = _isys.auditdaemon
handleSegv = _isys.handleSegv
printObject = _isys.printObject
bind_textdomain_codeset = _isys.bind_textdomain_codeset
isVioConsole = _isys.isVioConsole
initLog = _isys.initLog
total_memory = _isys.total_memory