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Andy 2df917e7a5
dracut: add roadrunner2/macbook12-spi-driver on MacBook HW
4 年前
doc Remove dates from man pages 7 年前
dom0-updates Proper argument escaping for special characters. 4 年前
dracut dracut: add roadrunner2/macbook12-spi-driver on MacBook HW 4 年前
file-copy-vm qvm-copy: fix handling VM names starting with dash 5 年前
pm-utils suspend: let errors be logged into journald 5 年前
qubes-rpc repos rpc: use dnf native method of writing repository configuration 5 年前
qubes-rpc-policy Rename admin.repos.* to qubes.repos.* 5 年前
qubesappmenus Move appmenus/icons related to desktop-linux-common 7 年前
rpm_spec dracut: add roadrunner2/macbook12-spi-driver on MacBook HW 4 年前
system-config Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/53' 4 年前
vaio-fixes vaio-fixes 11 年前
.gitignore gitignore 9 年前
.travis.yml travis: switch to dom0 Fedora 31 4 年前
Makefile Remove support for old builder API 11 年前
Makefile.builder Add Makefile.builder 11 年前
README.txt Update README 9 年前
version version 4.1.3 4 年前


This package contains Linux dom0 files.

Mostly there are config files for different system services, but also some
"addons" to Qubes core:
 - udev scripts for block and USB devices exposure (in qvm-block and qvm-usb)
 - appmenu generation for Linux GUI (including icons)