The \0 after error code prevent logging error message which is after it.
This change clobber qubesd-query exit code with tr exit code (mostly 0),
but this is a good thing - failing qubes-suspend service does not
prevent the suspend, but do prevent the stop hooks being called, which
for example breaks time synchronization or may leave some domains
clock synchronization mechanism rewritten to use systemd-timesync instead of NtpDate; at the moment, requires:
- modifying /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.GetDate to redirect GetDate to designated clockvm
- enabling clocksync service in clockvm ( qvm-features clockvm-name service/clocksync true )
Works as specified in issue listed below, except for:
- each VM synces with clockvm after boot and every 6h
- clockvm synces time with the Internet using systemd-timesync
- dom0 synces itself with clockvm every 1h (using cron)
Host suspend notification may be useful not only to driver domains. For
example Whonix needs to resync time after suspend.
Thanks @adrelanos for help.
qvm-sync-clock running in background is killed as soon as
qubes-suspend.service is terminated.
Additionally restore --verbose option, which was the case (implicitly)
in previous qvm-run based code.
After suspend VMs clocks are desynchronized in most cases (because VMs
were paused). Since directly after suspent there may be no network
access, normal `qvm-sync-clock` call isn't good (it aborts if NTP call
fails). But with new `qvm-sync-clock --force` switch, it sync VMs even
if NTP is unreachable.