clock synchronization mechanism rewritten to use systemd-timesync instead of NtpDate; at the moment, requires:
- modifying /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.GetDate to redirect GetDate to designated clockvm
- enabling clocksync service in clockvm ( qvm-features clockvm-name service/clocksync true )
Works as specified in issue listed below, except for:
- each VM synces with clockvm after boot and every 6h
- clockvm synces time with the Internet using systemd-timesync
- dom0 synces itself with clockvm every 1h (using cron)
Host suspend notification may be useful not only to driver domains. For
example Whonix needs to resync time after suspend.
Thanks @adrelanos for help.
qvm-sync-clock running in background is killed as soon as
qubes-suspend.service is terminated.
Additionally restore --verbose option, which was the case (implicitly)
in previous qvm-run based code.
After suspend VMs clocks are desynchronized in most cases (because VMs
were paused). Since directly after suspent there may be no network
access, normal `qvm-sync-clock` call isn't good (it aborts if NTP call
fails). But with new `qvm-sync-clock --force` switch, it sync VMs even
if NTP is unreachable.