I need to set some flags in order to boot as described here:
My settings look like this:
$ efibootmgr -v
BootCurrent: 0000
Boot0000* Qubes HD(...)/File(\EFI\qubes\xen.efi)p.l.a.c.e.h.o...
which causes awk to get confused and think my $EFI_DIR should be:
/EFI/qubesp.l.a.c.e.h.o.l.d.e.r. ./.m.a.p.b.s. ./.n.o.e.x.i.t.b.o.o.t.
This causes the script to later bail:
if [ ! -d "$EFI_DIR" ]; then
# non-EFI system
exit 0;
So my xen.cfg did not get new entries when installing dom0 kernel packages.
The entry may be already present for example when reinstalling package,
or calling the script multiple times (which apparently is the case
during system installation).
In non-EFI installation /boot/efi/EFI/qubes may not exists. In this case
do not try to touch (non-existing) files there.